i dont get that much attention in real life... that's the reason why, all of my account such a friendster, facebook, and twitter dont really use my real name nor my real photo either.
i use a beautiful girl or someone else and coolest name, just to have a little attention from people. ergh, simple as that!
and yeah, those work a lot. even though i tell 'em it ain't my real picture, i have so much friends, and they're get more curious abt me. they ask me to use my real photo, but once i use my real photo, they left me bcs im not beautiful... :O
i hate losing friends... that's why i keep using a FAKE photo for my FAKE friends there.
ada yg pernah bilang kayak gini:
"life ain't fair!
kenapa cuma cewek/cowok cakep aja yg selalu dpt perhatian lebih? kenapa semua itu harus di nilai dari fisik?
padahal org2 jelek juga berperan penting! kalo ga ada yg "jelek", mereka ga mungkin "cakep" kan?
kita sebagai org jelek juga mau dapet perhatian."
di lain sisi, i agree... but in the other hand, i think those men who just see the appearance aren't real.
we have talent, or something that good-looking people dont have! correct?
hhh... easy to talk! -.-