orang cantik dan baik hati itu masih banyak ternyata, dan cowok2 pasti akan milih mereka dibanding gue yg ga ada apa2nya... tampang pas2an, otak tumpul, plenga-plengo, aaah pokoknya everything bad lah.
cowok2 juga pasti bakal mikir ribuan kali untuk mau deket sama gue,
they were just like "ewwwwwh" to me, that hurts u know!
makanya itulah alesan kenapa gue ga mau yg namanya nembak cowok atau sekedar bilang "suka" sama gebetan. soalnya gue juga tau diri kali kalo gue ini ga pantes sama dia, dan udah positif banget kalo dia juga ga bakal mau sama gue...
gue cuma bisa mandang gebetan2 gue dari jauh, dan gue ga pernah menghiraukan temen2 gue yang ngasih saran supaya gue tembak tuh cowok... hmmm gue juga ga ngasih tau ke temen2 sih alesannya kenapa gw ga nembak, soalnya gue gerah di nasehatin untuk ngelakuin apa yg gue ga suka.
mereka sih seenaknya aja ngomong ke gue supaya nembak dia, soalnya mereka cantik2... mereka ga mikirin perasaan gue, mereka ga liat apa tampang gue gimana, mereka ga bakal tau gimana malunya... mungkin kalo mereka yg nembak pasti di terima, tapi kalo gue?! ya ampun, gausah mimpi...
jadi intinya, gue akan terus kayak gini sampe kapanpun.
gue akan nunggu cowo yg bener2 mau nerima gue apa adanya, walaupun selama 19 tahun ini menunggu belum ada satupun.
Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011
Sabtu, 30 April 2011
im a pay attention seeker
i dont get that much attention in real life... that's the reason why, all of my account such a friendster, facebook, and twitter dont really use my real name nor my real photo either.
i use a beautiful girl or someone else and coolest name, just to have a little attention from people. ergh, simple as that!
and yeah, those work a lot. even though i tell 'em it ain't my real picture, i have so much friends, and they're get more curious abt me. they ask me to use my real photo, but once i use my real photo, they left me bcs im not beautiful... :O
i hate losing friends... that's why i keep using a FAKE photo for my FAKE friends there.
ada yg pernah bilang kayak gini:
"life ain't fair!
kenapa cuma cewek/cowok cakep aja yg selalu dpt perhatian lebih? kenapa semua itu harus di nilai dari fisik?
padahal org2 jelek juga berperan penting! kalo ga ada yg "jelek", mereka ga mungkin "cakep" kan?
kita sebagai org jelek juga mau dapet perhatian."
di lain sisi, i agree... but in the other hand, i think those men who just see the appearance aren't real.
we have talent, or something that good-looking people dont have! correct?
hhh... easy to talk! -.-
i use a beautiful girl or someone else and coolest name, just to have a little attention from people. ergh, simple as that!
and yeah, those work a lot. even though i tell 'em it ain't my real picture, i have so much friends, and they're get more curious abt me. they ask me to use my real photo, but once i use my real photo, they left me bcs im not beautiful... :O
i hate losing friends... that's why i keep using a FAKE photo for my FAKE friends there.
ada yg pernah bilang kayak gini:
"life ain't fair!
kenapa cuma cewek/cowok cakep aja yg selalu dpt perhatian lebih? kenapa semua itu harus di nilai dari fisik?
padahal org2 jelek juga berperan penting! kalo ga ada yg "jelek", mereka ga mungkin "cakep" kan?
kita sebagai org jelek juga mau dapet perhatian."
di lain sisi, i agree... but in the other hand, i think those men who just see the appearance aren't real.
we have talent, or something that good-looking people dont have! correct?
hhh... easy to talk! -.-
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